❔[ l3xicon ]


abyss: the journey starts after you cross it.

actualization: the process of becoming sentient, perceiving the human condition for what it is, and achieving free will.

anarchy: see ursula k. le guin.

angels: get your gear.

alchemy: mastering the craft of magick. was newton a Fool?

alchemy hard mode: stormquake for birthday.

aleister: plays in the rain.

algorithms: learn 'em to break 'em.

allies: our angels and demons are coming to help ya.

alluring: a word we love.

ambiguity: == freedom.

aster: magickian.

astrology: an allegorical set of directives that can be described by group theory (a subfield of abstract algebra) in which a player starts as the Fool.

astronomy: the scientific study of celestial objects and phenomena.

astrophysics: astronomy, physics, and quantum field theory - hard mode.


banksy: magickian.

bava: magickian.

barcelona: stimulus locus.

bergman: magickian.

berlin: stoic locus.

bowie: magickian.

bitcoin: bt3gl's electronic cash.

burton: magickian.

bukowski: old dirty man; also, magickian.

bullies: you are on the wrong side of History, pal; also, join us, we have cookies.


candor: you are not an npc; also, see commoners.

canonical: a word we love (and others seem to love too).

catania: queen agatha's locus.

carlin: magickian.

choices: play the $game.

chomsky: magickian.

cicada: 3301 or 666.

code: == law.

commoners: see npcs.

communism: see degens.

confirmation bias: letting your will Fool you.

crowley: ozzy's pal.

cypherpunks: we already live in the future; what do you do now?

curitiba: alchemy locus.


defi: tools for self-sovereignty.

degens: see communism.

del toro: magickian.

demons: get your gear.

doja: magickian.

dubai: cypherpunk locus.

dying: we don't die, we bend reality.


echols: magickian.

eclipses: just planetary shadow; also, can you handle the power?; also, everything is inverted.

ego: anything outside this vero instant; also, see reputation.

888: gratitude for helping with our plan.

enlightenment: the courage to use your own reason.


fellini: magickian.

followers: random untamed energy onto the player.

4444: you are strong enough to be kind.

4444 + 5555: 9999

free will: a higher state to be attained, where one has achieved self-realization and is independent of others' will.

true free will: free will hard mode.

5050: to be or not be, dr. faust?

5555: see 4444.

5555 + 5555: 11


gaiman: magickian.

game theory: "what the game is, defines what the players do."; also, "what the players do, define what the game is."

gatekeepers: we are coming for ya.

godspeed you! black emperor: magickians.


halloween: see samhain.

hawaii: tutu pele and kanaloa's charging locus for humans.

hillaryquake: happy solar return, bt3gl.

hitchcock: magickian.

huxley: magickian.


ignez: a supreme. rip <3.


jerusalem: crypto + magick locus.

jung: magickian.


karma: 1 + 1 = 2; 1 - 1 = 0.

kabbalah: the player is getting closer.

keanu: magickian.

kubrick: magickian.

kurosawa: magickian.


lee: magickian.

leone: magickian.

liber primus: see secret society.

life: you only win if you play.

los angeles: where we, pseudo-artists, go for glory; also, an intense energy battleground locus.

lynch: magickian.


magick: the process of discovering True Free Will (and its consequences).

malta: sirius locus.

MIDSUMM3R: a hub for cypherpunks + magick renaissance.

meritocracy: == freedom (but only if it's honest).

munich: scientific-chic locus.


nicks: a supreme.

neo-cypherpunk: see cypherpunks.

new york: positive neurosis locus.

nietzsche: magickian.

nil sine labore: see meritocracy.

npcs: see vaporware.


paramahansa yogananda: first-degree magickian.

pectra: crypto + magick locus.

planck: magickian.

players: everything is intentional.

polanski: magickian.

praga: alchemy locus.

protopia: decentralization + abundance + honest meritocracy.

purity: the ultimate shield.


quintessential: a word we love.


reality: a human construct.

reality hard mode: see life.

redemption: the ultimate meaning; the destination of any story; the only possible climax.

reputation: you are nothing; why would this be a concern?

romero: magickian.


samhain: that one night when everything and everyone have free will; also, the infinite night.

sartre: magickian.

saturn: time does not exist, but kronos does; also, our most powerful adviser.

saturn return: reverted nodes.

serendipitous: a word we love.

self-sovereignty: players are the protagonists of their life(s). no player is allowed to treat another player like meat under the premise that they hold some (usually unearned) privilege.

seven: find.

secret society: see cicada.

simulation: welcome and enjoy your stay.

subversion: our favorite word; also, no, you won't see it coming.

steady: the ability of being unkillable.

steganography: can you see the hidden picture?

synchronicity: a jungian explanation for coincidences; also, magick reverberation.

solomon: the second wisest human ever lived.


tarantino: magickian.

tarkovsky: magickian.

tarot: a self-realization tool; part of an artist's and/or magickian's toolkit.

time: a human construct; also, see saturn.

timeless: a word we love (and others seem to love too).

the Fool: respect the beginner's mindset.

trustless: only trust your own reason && intuition.

three: (achieving || attaining) Χ‘Φ΄ΦΌΧ™Χ ΦΈΧ”.

36s: us.


ursula k. le guin: a supreme.


vaporware: pretending instead of creating; also, but it looks so cool.

venice: magi loci.

virtue: the only way.


wachowskis: magickians.

whimsical: a word we love.

worldbuilding: see steady.

will: a human's desire to change an outcome; also, the highest source of power in the game.

winning: first you need to lose all.

Last updated